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From 45th Reunion

Dick Kinney Memories

     I have just retired from more than 41 years in the hotel business.  Most of those years were in the training departments or heading the training function for several national hotel chains.
     The hotel business also gave the family an opportunity to live in many parts of the United States.  We have called Memphis, TN, Olive Branch, MS, Plant City, FL, Topeka, KS, Bedford, TX, West Palm Beach, FL and Milwaukee, WI home.  The longest time we have lived in the same place is 13 years. However, moving is a great way to clean out the closets.  My youngest daughter was four before she had Christmas in the same state.
     My wife Kay (Mary K Fultz) and I have been married for 34 years and have two daughters, Kim lives in Madison, WI and works as a trainer for the medical division of Philips International.  Emily is in public relations for Sabre Holding and lives in the Dallas area.
     As to high school, at my (our) age I can’t remember what I had for breakfast much less high school days, but a few thoughts do come to mind.  Due to the integration situation and the school being closed our 10th grade years, we were a two-year class. Could the teachers have stood us for all three years anyway?  Highlights include the undefeated football team our senior year, the senior prom and the ‘under the sea” theme.  The prom and the decorations were featured in the Gazette Magazine section.  A few of the teachers standout:, Dupree, my homeroom teacher and senior class sponsor.  Miss Pierce, always saying “don’t you see” (I rarely did).  Mr. Barnes, who was also the voice of the Tigers, principal Jess Matthews, Miss Opie who remember by birthday out of 2000 plus students and many others who made an impact on our future even though we did not appreciate it at the time. 
     As to the other 482 class members, I keep up with just a few, but e-mail makes it easy and there are several in an e-mail network where we exchange messages, if not daily, at least weekly.
     Immediately after I retired I took a part-time job as a tour director for a Wisconsin-based Motor Coach Company.  I do 6-10 one-day tours a month in WI and north IL.  You meet nice people who are out to have a good time and the primary part of the job description is make sure you do not leave anyone at a rest stop.

- Dick Kinney